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Grant Guidelines



Adopted October 11, 2005; Revised November 14, 2017


The Northfield Garden Club (NGC) is a permanent endowment created to benefit the people of the greater Northfield, MN, area. The club will accept and administer gifts from many sources to help meet needs within the community. Grants will be made available for a wide variety of gardening, beautification, and horticultural projects in the Northfield area. The NGC reserves the right to respond to emergency community needs.


The NGC Board of Directors (the Board) oversees the disbursement of grant funds. Prior to October 1, each grant applicant must submit a completed grant application to the Board. After review, the Board will forward its recommendations to the membership for final approval at the November meeting. Awardees will be notified by December, and checks will be presented at the annual NGC luncheon the following February. A final report with accomplishments and an itemized summary of expenditures must be submitted to the Board at the conclusion of each project, but no later than the end of the fiscal year, December 31. Grant extensions will be considered on an individual basis. Pictures of the project for posting on the NGC website are encouraged, but not required.


The NGC operates without discrimination as to age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, handicap, or national origin in the consideration of grant requests. The club is committed to variety and balance in the kind, purpose, and size of the grants awarded. Grant applicants are encouraged to explore matching or supplemental


Forms to download:

Garden Club Grant Application

Master Gardener Grant Application

Grant Report


© 2024

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